Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March to Socialism-Fiscal Irresponsibility

It seems that the 'Savior' of the world,Barack Obama, and his socialist plan, have hit a few bumps on his way.Not enough bumps but a few. Some states with Republican governors have refused the stimulus money.Gov. Rick Perry of Texas won't take a big chunk of the money,Bobby Jindal(R-LA) won't take it, and Marc Sanford of South Carolina will only take it if he can pay off his states' debt.

You see,Sanford has this crazy idea that we got ourselves into this mess by spending too much to begin with. How crazy is that!!

Lets break it down into layman's terms.Say a person or household overspends by living out of their means and creates an enormous amount of debt, but then comes into a huge inheritance, the fiscally responsible thing to do would be to PAY DOWN YOUR DEBTS, not spend more.It's not rocket science.

Well, there is one problem with that scenario. It gives the government NO CONTROL, which is what the stimulus package is all about. 

These Republican governors,and most conservatives know that more spending is not the answer. Gov.Sanford sought a waiver last week to use the stimulus money to not create more jobs and programs, but to pay off South Carolina's debt.He was told that the stimulus law does not allow the President to grant an exception for the stimulus money. 

Obama will use every  government angle to break the contracts for AIG's  employee bonuses, that were obviously earned by their employees, but will hold a gun to South Carolina's head on what they must do with the money.

Are you ready for Socialism?

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