Thursday, April 16, 2009


Who's next to get billions in tax dollars? How about the struggling newspaper industry? It sure makes sense to me based on the liberal Obama agenda.

Liberal columnist Rosa Brooks, who has moved from the Los Angeles Times to the Pentagon, called for more "direct government support for public media" and government licensing of the news,which critics say would destroy the independent media and further breech our constitutional right of free speech.

Brooks said,"years of foolish policies have left us with a choice: We can bailout journalism, using TAX DOLLARS and grant licences in ways that encourage robust and independent reporting and commentary, or we can watch as more top journalists are laid off."

She said this would help rescue the industry from a "death spiral" and left the government accountable to the journalists who must keep it honest." I can't imagine anything more dangerous than a society in which the news industry has more or less collapsed."

I actually can't believe an "American" has that view on this. Rosa Brooks' view is not only ultra-liberal but "UN AMERICAN" and against our constitution. As a liberal columnist,and Obama supporter, i can understand why she wouldn't mind having her work controlled by the government. This would be a violation to American traditions. Our founding fathers envisioned rights to freedom of speech........ not freedom of speech provided you have a license from the federal government.

There is no doubt that the newspaper industry is in as bad of shape as the many other industries  the government has helped. But like the airplane industry after 9/11, they will file for bankruptcy and restructure, as many have already. It is likely that the industry will be online based exclusively in the future.

I'm sure glad this is one persons view and not something that has been proposed by the Obama administration, yet.

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