Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama still wants US trial for some Gitmo suspects

White House aides are increasingly convinced that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will never face trial in a civilian court and are trying to cut a deal that would still transfer Guantanamo Bay terrorism suspects to the US.

Obama is trying to keep a campaign pledge to close the US military prison in Cuba, a promise that has attracted harsh criticism from Republicans who say it would jeopardize national security. And lately, without surprise, he has come under fire from people within his own party who say he should not accept any deal that would prosecute Mohammed outside the normal judicial system.

In my opinion, Obama's main goal here is to close Gitmo and to try as many detainees as possible on US soil. As ridiculous as that is, to accomplish that he will need to abandon his plan to prosecute the 9/11 conspirators in civilian courts and instead send them before military tribunals.

Our old friend Sen. Linsey Graham, as was posted in a previous post, is behind the "DEAL", as he seems very eager to close Gitmo for some unknown idiotic reason.

One question that crosses my mind is; What does BO plan on doing with the detainees who, because of evidence problems or other reasons, cannot be successfully prosecuted in either tribunals or civilian courts, but are obviously too dangerous to be released?

They could soon be living your neighborhood. Think about it!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Chicago Way is now America's Way; Judgeships for Dem(Obama)-Care Votes?

There are no coincidences in Obama world.

And this one only coincides with the way things are done back home for Obama.

Last Wednesday, Barack Obama hosted ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he obviously was trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten was Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House, that day, sent out a press release announcing that Obama nominated Matheson's brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.

Let us consider the possibility, for a brief moment, that it is merely coincidence.

Is the White House so fantastically blind and tone-deaf that it failed to detect the red flags and blaring alarms that Scott Matheson's judicial nomination would raise coming on the very day that Obama is wooing his brother, Jim?

Corrupt or stupid..... take your pick.

Lindsey Graham-nesty

What a busy "bipartisan" bee Lindsey Graham-nesty has been lately.

He's holding hands with John Kerry to push carbon caps.

He's collaborating with the White House to close down Gitmo.

And he's schmoozing with Chuck Schumer on another illegal alien amnesty campaign- an effort that has been in the works for months.

So i ask, does the GOP have the balls to take on the left and the permanent Nanny State(political correctness)?