Sorry for the hiatus but The Conservative Truth is back!
Here are some Conservative facts for you to ponder.
According to the polling firm Real Clear Politics(RCP), Congress's approval rating is 22.3%
During the 1970's, the prevailing scientific notion was that the world was suffering from global cooling.
Attorney General Eric Holder has threatened to challenge the Arizona immigration law but admitted today that he's never read the bill(which is only 10 pages).
According to the St. Louis Fed., 6.716M people have been unemployed for at least 27 weeks. The previous record was set in 1983 when 2.885M people had been unemployed for at least 27 weeks.
A major reason that the Greek financial system is failing is because their annual budget deficit is 14% of GDP ( so they spend 14% more than they get in tax revenue). The U.S. budget deficit was 10% in 2009 and is projected to be 10.8% in 2010.
The entire European Union is threatened by the current Greek financial crisis, largely caused by Greece's debt which is 112% of their GDP. The US debt is expected to reach the same ratio in 2012.
Greece is under incredible fiscal stress because of years of deficit spending. 30% of the bailout they're getting is coming from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) who gets 40% of its funding from American taxpayers. In other words, the American taxpayer is footing the bill because the European Union refuses to.
At the United Nations summit on nuclear proliferation today, Iranian president Ahmadinjad accused the US of being the instigator of world nuclear proliferation; he received applause from many UN members for his caustic speech.
The 2010 census cost 1300% more than the 1970 census (while population only doubled).
Each member of Congress is paid $177K per year (over 300% more than the average American).On April 27th, the Congress voted to freeze their own pay for a year by a vote of 405-15. ALL 15 VOTES TO RAISE THEIR PAY CAME FROM DEMOCRATS.
The current federal deficit is nearly $14 TRILLION or over $100K for every working person in the country.
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