Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rasmussen Poll: Obama's Popularity Plunging

The last Rasmussen daily tracking poll shows that President Barack Obama for the first time has a negative approval index-- more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve.
Rasmussen also disclosed that, if the economy does not improve over the next year,Obama's numbers will deteriorate even further-- and Democrats will suffer in 2010.

The raw numbers are pretty straightforward--31% of Americans strongly approve of the way Barack Obama is handling his job,33 % strongly disapprove. Prior to last week there hasn't been a circumstance where the number who disapprove outweighs the number who approve. Currently, we are in new territory. Right now the approval index,at minus 2, is as low as it's been.

What we're seeing is a growing number of people who strongly disapprove, and we're seeing it at a time when the president's honeymoon is coming to an end and people are beginning to look at the policies that he's promoting.

Our nation is mostly divided on many national issues like healthcare reform, but those who tend to have strong opinions tend to oppose the plan more than support it. But, on cap-and-trade legislation(to reduce carbon emissions), 42% believe it's going to hurt the economy.Only 19% believe it's going to help.

The government takeover of General Motors is also strongly opposed, which had a huge effect on the approval index.

Just over one month ago, 62% of Americans said that no matter what's happened in the last six months, George Bush is still more to blame for the economic mess than Obama. That number has now fallen to 53%, and the more  of Obama's policies that are put in to place, the more the blame or perhaps the credit, will shift to Obama.

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