Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kathleen Kennedy attacks the Pope

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland, has sparked controversy-- and outrage-- by writing that President Barack Obama reflects the views of American Catholics better than the Pope.

Kennedy-Townsend, eldest of Robert Kennedy's 11 children, asserted: "Obama's pragmatic approach to divisive policy.........and his social-justice agenda reflect the views of American Catholic laity much more closely than those vocal bishops and pro-life activists." She noted that while Obama and Pope Benedict XVI "disagree about reproductive freedoms and homosexuality,"American Catholics "know Obama's on their side. In fact, Obama's agenda is closer to their views than even the Pope's."

Among the voices decrying Townsend's column is Judie Brown, president and co-founder of the American Life League, a pro-life organization. She calls Kennedy-Townsend's views "misguided" and states: "Reproductive freedoms, for those unfamiliar with the culture of death's propaganda, is a code phrase for abortion on demand,sex instruction in schools, birth control for kids, and all manner of bizarre propositions that help the purveyors of smut to define the human person as an animal incapable of self-control....."One can easily tell that her thought process has little to do with Catholic identity and, in fact, is contrary to all that is Catholic. There is no other explanation for her inane claim that Obama is somehow more in tune with American Catholics than the Pope."

Townsend goes on to say that the Church hierarchy "ignores women's equality and gays' cry for justice because to heed them would require that it admit error and acknowledge  that the self-satisfied edifice constructed around sex and gender has been wrong."

She went on to blast the Pope's recent encyclical, "Charity in Truth," claiming it gives "moral credence to Obama's message."

But Brown counters, "In  fact, the encyclical's message is something else entirely......'Without respect for the human person, it is impossible to bring about a just society, and in a just society, there is no room for heinous crimes such as abortion. This is the underlying theme of the entire encyclical, which Kennedy-Townsend apparently overlooked entirely."

Obama Admits he's Foggy on Healthcare Bill

Members of Congress haven't read the 1.018-page proposed healthcare-reform legislation, but then, apparently neither has the president.

He recently confessed that he's "not familiar" with key provisions of the legislation. Obama's embarrassing admission came during a conference call with left-leaning bloggers.

Obama urged the bloggers to continue pressuring Congress to pass healthcare reform immediately. During that call a blogger referenced an article in Investor's Business Daily indicating Section 102 of the House bill would "outlaw" private insurance.

"Is this true?" the blogger asked Obama. "Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?"

The president's response on behalf of the legislation he is pushing through Congress:"You know, i have to say that i am not familiar with the provision you are talking about."

The response prompted the think tank to state: "This is a truly disturbing admission by the president, especially considering that later in the call, Obama promises yet again:'If you have health insurance, and you like it,and you have a doctor that you like,then you can keep it. Period."

So i rhetorically ask, "How can Obama continue to make this promise if he is not familiar with the healthcare legislation that is being written in Congress?"

No version of the legislation "outlaws" private insurance coverage. However, it increases its cost relative to public subsidized plans in a way that leads some experts to believe private insurance would no longer be a viable option.

A Heritage Foundation-Lewin Group report released Monday found that close to 100 million policy holders may be forced to change insurance plans if Congress passes the bill supported by Obama.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Does Wall Street Hate Capitalism?

What if  you discovered that the vet who takes care of your dog was Michael Vick? Would you think twice about bringing Fido back for his annual shots?

Or what if you discovered that your auto mechanic was a member of Greenpeace? Would you think twice about having him work on your SUV?

Of course you would. Just as, I hope, you would think twice about trusting your retirement savings to someone who secretly despised-- or simply didn't understand-- the free-market capitalist system that makes profits and prosperity possible.

Yet that, believe it or not, is exactly the position millions of Americans are finding themselves in today-- as they discover that Wall Street, far from being a stronghold of "rich Republicans" and "laissez-faire capitalists," is actually dominated by liberal Democrats who support, overwhelmingly, the prosperity-wrecking big-government policies of Barack Obama and his neo-socialists.

Think this is an exaggeration? Consider the following facts and statistics:

*According to an analysis of Federal Election Commission records by the Center for Responsive Politics, the 2008 Obama campaign received $12.6 million from Wall Street "Securities and Investment" firms versus McCain's $7.9 million.

*The top three corporate employers of donors to Obama, Joe Biden, and Rahm Emanuel were Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and JP Morgan.

*Employees of Lehman Brothers alone gave Obama $370,000, compared to about $117,000 to Mc Cain.(No wonder Bush let them go under)

* Since 1998,the financial sector has given a total of $37.6 million to Obama, compared to $32.1 million to Mc Cain. But Obama ran for his first national office only in 2004. So Mc Cain got less from the financial industry in a decade that included two runs for president than Obama did in four years.

What's this all about? Well, you see, the financial industry takes care of Democrats-- and as we've seen in recent months, the Democrats take care of the financial industry. After all, it's a lot easier to get rich by taking money from taxpayers than to do it by choosing  consistently profitable investments for your clients.

Friday, July 17, 2009


The United States may have narrowly missed a repeat of the 9/11 attacks in June- and, apparently, even the FBI doesn't realize it.

On June 4, a 24-year old Muslim man named Raed Abdul-Rahan Alsaif was arrested for trying to bring a seven-inch knife on board a U.S. Airways flight at Tampa International Airport, destined for Phoenix. The blade was seen by a screener and Alsaif was caught before he could get onto the airliner. Of course, he says he is innocent, as some forgetful friend gave him the luggage bag and failed to mention that a knife was embedded inside the material. The weapon was artfully concealed in such a way as to allow for it to be retrieved once the flight took off.

Alsaif graduated from the Islamic Saudi Academy in Virginia in 2003. For those that don't remember, this school has been embroiled in a little bit of controversy the past two years. In October 2007, the U.S. Commission on International Religion Freedom requested that the State Department close the school,citing the use of textbooks filled with extremism. The commission again reported on the school's radical curriculum in June 2008. One graduate has been convicted of working with al-Qaeda, while two former students were kicked out of Israel upon landing due to clear signs they were planning suicide bombings.

Private investigator Bill Warner notes that when Alsaif was booked and photographed by police in October on his second arrest on drug charges, he had a beard- a beard that was shaven off before he attempted to board the U.S. Airways flight. For those of you who think this is all attributed to coincidence, there's another key element to consider.

On the same day, June 4, two other individuals, Roshid Milledge and Damien Young, were arrested in Philadelphia  after sneaking a handgun onto a flight. The airline? U.S. Airways. The destination? Phoenix.  The departing time? About 35 minutes from the flight Alsaif attempted to board, using the same airliner and with the same destination.

The FBI immediately cast doubt on questions that the two were part of a terrorist plot or even connected to Alsaif.

"This investigation represents an isolated incident, involving only these two individuals," the FBI press release states.

I don't know what's more frightening: the fact that the FBI so readily the remarkably similar arrests as unconnected, or the fact that in the latter case, the handgun actually made it  on board the aircraft and the suspects were only apprehended after another passenger reported them as engaging in suspicious behavior.

The good news is that a 9/11 plot may have been thwarted. The bad news is that the public and possibly the FBI are unaware that they even have had success.

If the coincidences of these cases are not addressed and if they are attributed to chance, then we've truly fallen out of the post-9/11 mindset and only a disaster will wake us up, AGAIN.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rasmussen Poll: Obama's Popularity Plunging

The last Rasmussen daily tracking poll shows that President Barack Obama for the first time has a negative approval index-- more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve.
Rasmussen also disclosed that, if the economy does not improve over the next year,Obama's numbers will deteriorate even further-- and Democrats will suffer in 2010.

The raw numbers are pretty straightforward--31% of Americans strongly approve of the way Barack Obama is handling his job,33 % strongly disapprove. Prior to last week there hasn't been a circumstance where the number who disapprove outweighs the number who approve. Currently, we are in new territory. Right now the approval index,at minus 2, is as low as it's been.

What we're seeing is a growing number of people who strongly disapprove, and we're seeing it at a time when the president's honeymoon is coming to an end and people are beginning to look at the policies that he's promoting.

Our nation is mostly divided on many national issues like healthcare reform, but those who tend to have strong opinions tend to oppose the plan more than support it. But, on cap-and-trade legislation(to reduce carbon emissions), 42% believe it's going to hurt the economy.Only 19% believe it's going to help.

The government takeover of General Motors is also strongly opposed, which had a huge effect on the approval index.

Just over one month ago, 62% of Americans said that no matter what's happened in the last six months, George Bush is still more to blame for the economic mess than Obama. That number has now fallen to 53%, and the more  of Obama's policies that are put in to place, the more the blame or perhaps the credit, will shift to Obama.

The truths of our Founding Fathers

" I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." --Thomas Jefferson

Friday, July 3, 2009

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

Please let us remember and appreciate how great our nation truly is! 

The Roar in Obama's backyard

I am proud of these folks for their post tea-party rally right here in Obama's backyard, Chicago. Let all of us listen, learn, and wake up!!