Monday, April 20, 2009


Senators Joe Lieberman(I-Conn) and John McCain(R-Az) say that the United States needs to step up the fight against drug cartels that have set up operations north of the border.

Mexican drug cartels, that are brutalizing their  own country, have displaced the Mafia as the "Number One organized crime threat" in the U.S., said Leiberman as his Senate Homeland Security committee heard testimony in Phoenix on increasing border violence.

"This is literally a war," he said. "They're fighting for turf." Lieberman said he plans to seek $380 million in additional funding to help local law enforcement stop the flow of guns and drugs across the border. McCain praised Mexico president Felipe Calderon's campaign to fight the cartels, but said that the cartels have already taken root north of the border-- driving a kidnapping surge in his home state of Arizona and operating in at least 230 U.S. metropolitan areas.

McCain also said that the Federal government needs to approve border states' requests for more National Guard troops. I absolutely agree with that, and feel it's the most important move we can and better make.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had requested 250 National Guard troops to be deployed to the Arizona-Mexico border, but was denied by the Defense Department until further review.

The Bush administration sent thousands of Guard troops to the border to perform support duties so that Federal border authorities would be freed up to focus on border security.Bush's buildup began in 2006 and ended last year.

This issue in particular boggles my mind at the procrastination by the Obama administration. They continue to say that,"it's under review" when asked about the National Guard deployment to the border. What needs to be reviewed? It's obvious that without the U.S. there is no drug war. The drugs and guns are smuggled through the border and it needs to be secured. Also, this war has caused Phoenix, Az to become the #2  city for kidnapping in the world. That is absolutely ridiculous, with all the kidnapping for ransom that occurs in South American countries, that an American city would rank that high.

I just don't understand the hesitation to defend our homeland.

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