Thursday, April 30, 2009


This story is simply more proof that so many of our so-called "leaders", on the local and national levels, are selfish and have used politics exclusively for personal gain.

Senator Arlen Specter turned his back on the Republican Party and  switched to the currently controlling Democratic Party.

He first claimed that it was a philosophical decision, and blamed the GOP for a  overall trending move to the right which led to his decision.

I wish that was the truth, Mr. Specter. Because a move to the right is exactly what the GOP needs at this time.A move back to the core principle values and beliefs that grew the party into what it was and will be again.

His statement, although false, proves that he isn't a Conservative Republican and that HE is the only one looking to "move with the trend," the liberal, socialistic Democratic trend.

In reality, which Senator Spector eventually came back to, he committed a  purely political and self-serving act. He admitted later that he simply believes that he has a better chance of saving HIS political hide and job as a Democrat. He loves the title of Senator more than he loves the party and the principles that elected him and nurtured him.

The most devastating thing about this selfish act is that he handed Obama and his radical leftists nearly absolute power in the U.S. Senate. He absolutely undercut the Republicans' efforts to slow down Obama's radical agenda through the threat of filibuster.

Facing defeat in Pennsylvania's 2010 Republican primary, due to his left-wing voting record, and an end to his 30 year career in the U.S. Senate, he has peddled his services, and his vote, to the Obama  Democrats who aim to remake America with their leftist plan.

As recently as April 9th, Specter said he would run in the 2010 primary as a Republican. Clearly, this was a selfish act to keep his Washington power base, not the act of a statesman. 

His defection puts the Democrats in an almost unstoppable position to pass Obama's destructive agenda of INCOME REDISTRIBUTION,HEALTH CARE NATIONALIZATION, and a MASSIVE EXPANSION of ENTITLEMENTS.

Arlen Spector has put his loyalty to his own political career above his duty to his state and nation.

When Benedict Arnold defected to the British,George Washington didn't fold the tent and give up.He grit his teeth more determined than ever to succeed.And that is exactly what we as Conservatives must also do. We know that the conservative principles,values and beliefs that our founding fathers wrote the constitution on has brought nothing but prosperity to our great nation. Don't let them rewrite our constitution with their anti-conservative rhetoric and policies. 

Don't be like Arlen Spector, FIGHT BACK!


Please click on the link below and watch this true and compelling You Tube video.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Americans for Legal Immigration PAC today called on the Obama administration to immediately close the southern border and restrict all inbound air and ground traffic from Mexico to emergencies and product delivery, to protect American lives from the Mexican swine flu outbreak.

"The Obama administration's failure to secure our borders against a possible pandemic is putting American lives at risk at a time when days and hours matter," said William Gheen of ALIPAC."The weak and inadequate 'passive surveillance' is offensive to the rational mind and extremely dangerous to our nation."

Another scary thing is that we are entering this crisis without a Secretary of Health and Human Services(HHS) or appointees in ANY of the department's 19 key posts.Obama also has not chosen a Surgeon General or the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. His choice to run the Food and Drug Administration awaits confirmation.

In fact 'The Messiah' was out golfing on Sunday instead of addressing the nation,securing the borders and filling the gaps in our governments leadership.

This is just another scary fact about the new administration. He(Obama) won't send troops to the border to stop the violence from spilling over or the Mexican swine flu from crossing into America.Instead we get told to wash our hands and cover our mouths when we cough like a bunch of 1st grade students.

Obama recently traveled to Mexico to pledge his support for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty and the unconstitutional implementation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership(SPP). 

The SSP, which has no approval from the American public or congressional oversight,states that BORDERS SHOULD REMAIN OPEN DURING PANDEMICS. In its words it states,"Border restrictions will not be more restrictive or maintained longer than necessary to achieve public health objectives so as to avoid unnecessary interference with the movement of people and goods within North America."
Let me know if you agree, but to me that basically says that our government will not increase border security to protect American citizens from an infectious virus if it means  guns and illegal aliens may not be able to enter our country. I can't believe i'm writing this!

Canada is looking better and better each day. I'm serious!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Its been too long without a post about my most hated liberal, but unfortunately she's back in the news.

"Madam" Pelosi and the left have been having a field day trying to drum up support to try former Bush administration officials on allegations they advocated the torture of terrorists and terror suspects.

Pelosi claims she didn't know about any of the torturing-- only one little problem,"Madam": That's not true! Despite her claims that she didn't know about it. 

In 2002 she was briefed on the practice and made NO complaint about it. He defense is absolutely ridiculous. She basically said, "they told me they had legal opinions that they could do it--but i didn't know they did it."

Oh, ok Nancy, are you that stupid? Or do you think we are?

The botton line is that post 9/11, she, nor any other liberal, really didn't care how we got the intelligence from these terrorists. But now, when it's time to point the finger and throw the blame around, they didn't know anything. 

It really doesn't matter what she says. The goal of the liberal is to interfere with military operations in order to embarrass and discredit those involved. Our enemies greatest ally is our own Liberal Democratic leadership. Today it's waterboarding,tomorrow it will be anything else that garners results. Torture, like terrorism and everything else, will just be redefined. If it gets us results, even yelling and pounding your fist on a tabletop will be considered torture. It is amazing to watch liberals,for whom all morality is relative, take a moral high ground when it comes to foreigners who vow to kill millions of us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well, i guess this explains the lack of urgency from the Obama administration on illegal immigration, so far. It seems that Homeland Security chief, Janet Napolitano, doesn't realize that it's a crime. I guess the word ILLEGAL didn't tip her off.

In an interview with John King of CNN, Secretary Napolitano stunned many listeners when she asserted that illegal immigration is really not a crime.

King was asking her about Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, a strict enforcer of immigration laws who says he wants illegal aliens to be prosecuted and jailed.

King said: " A lot of Democrats in Congress want you to investigate him.They think he is over the line.He says he is just enforcing the law and the problem is the federal government."

Napolitano responded:"Sheriff Joe..... knows that there aren't enough officers, courtrooms, or jail cells in the world to do what he is saying."  Oh, so i guess she admits that there are millions of them running wild?

She continued to say, "what we need to do is target the real evil-doers in this business, the employers who consistently hire illegal labor, the human traffickers who are exploiting human misery." Um, if they weren't able to get in the country, the "REAL EVIL DOERS" couldn't hire them.

"And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, MOST of that is civil, because CROSSING THE BORDER IS NOT A CRIME PER SE." Is she serious?

The fact is, crossing the border without authorization is a crime. The statute reads: "Any alien who enters the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers...shall, for the first offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months,or both."

Nice pick Prez!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Please click on the link below to view this excellent  You Tube video.


You know what really irritates me about liberals? (beside the fact that they're spineless and can't play rough because it may violate someones "rights") They always think liberalism fixes the problem-- even when it was liberalism that caused the problem in the first place!

For example, the financial meltdown of 2008(and counting...). To hear liberals tell it,it all goes back to Ronald Reagan--who with his seductive 'actor' charm fooled America into thinking that by slashing taxes, regulation, and government spending we could unleash free enterprise and create a new wave of prosperity.Sure, liberals concede, that seemed to work for, oh, the better part of three decades, but now were paying the price for all that "greed." The  liberal solution? A return to PRE-REAGAN policies of Jimmy Carter, LBJ, and FDR. Speaking of which, what will victory look like in the "War on Poverty"?

Unfortunately, the facts--as always when you're talking about liberal theories-- tell a different story. A story in which all the villains, it turns out, have one thing in common: BIG GOVERNMENT.

That's right. From the"Community Reinvestment Act" that pressured banks into affirmative-action lending, to those "Government- sponsored enterprises" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac --who bought up all the resulting sub-prime loans and repackaged them as "investment grade" securities-- The Government (Clinton administration) thumb-prints were all over this fiasco from beginning to end.

But those are facts, and facts have no place in the fantasy world of liberal Democratic policy-makers. Nor does history- true history that is, as opposed to the public-school propaganda that teaches, for instance,  that FDR's "New Deal" got us out of the Great Depression, when in reality it only depended and prolonged it.

But the question remains: What can those of us in the fast-dwindling, reality-based community do to survive financially as the Obamacrats prepare a "New New Deal" that threatens to outspend the FDR original by about TEN-THOUSAND to ONE?

We better continue to tighten our belts, i guess.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Senators Joe Lieberman(I-Conn) and John McCain(R-Az) say that the United States needs to step up the fight against drug cartels that have set up operations north of the border.

Mexican drug cartels, that are brutalizing their  own country, have displaced the Mafia as the "Number One organized crime threat" in the U.S., said Leiberman as his Senate Homeland Security committee heard testimony in Phoenix on increasing border violence.

"This is literally a war," he said. "They're fighting for turf." Lieberman said he plans to seek $380 million in additional funding to help local law enforcement stop the flow of guns and drugs across the border. McCain praised Mexico president Felipe Calderon's campaign to fight the cartels, but said that the cartels have already taken root north of the border-- driving a kidnapping surge in his home state of Arizona and operating in at least 230 U.S. metropolitan areas.

McCain also said that the Federal government needs to approve border states' requests for more National Guard troops. I absolutely agree with that, and feel it's the most important move we can and better make.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer had requested 250 National Guard troops to be deployed to the Arizona-Mexico border, but was denied by the Defense Department until further review.

The Bush administration sent thousands of Guard troops to the border to perform support duties so that Federal border authorities would be freed up to focus on border security.Bush's buildup began in 2006 and ended last year.

This issue in particular boggles my mind at the procrastination by the Obama administration. They continue to say that,"it's under review" when asked about the National Guard deployment to the border. What needs to be reviewed? It's obvious that without the U.S. there is no drug war. The drugs and guns are smuggled through the border and it needs to be secured. Also, this war has caused Phoenix, Az to become the #2  city for kidnapping in the world. That is absolutely ridiculous, with all the kidnapping for ransom that occurs in South American countries, that an American city would rank that high.

I just don't understand the hesitation to defend our homeland.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


 Obama's most recent apology at the Summit of the America's: " We have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms, but i pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership."

Obama also extended a hand to a leader that Ronald Reagan spent years trying to drive from power: Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega. The Sandinista president stepped up and introduced himself and soon after he delivered a blistering 50-minute speech that denounced capitalism and U.S. imperialism as the root of much world mischief.

It's amazing how Obama is an expert on all of our nations' "mistakes" that preceded him. If you listen to him, and don't know a thing about American history, you would think we had just broken away from a communist ruled republic and he's about to lead us into a future of freedom.

I think he better start getting his apologies ready for his own mistakes.


A Revolutionary court has sentenced  Iranian-American journalist, Roxana Saberi, to eight years in prison after convicting her of spying for the United States.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement that she was "deeply disappointed" by what the State Department has called "baseless charges" against Ms. Saberi in demanding her release."We will continue to vigorously raise our concerns to the Iranian government."

Ms. Saberi was initially reported to have been detained for buying alcohol, an illegal act in the Islamic Republic. But, an unidentified judiciary source confirmed that a Revolutionary court had sentenced Ms. Saberi for espionage- a charge that could of risked the death sentence.

"Roxana said in court that her earlier confessions were not true and had been tricked into believing that she would be released if she cooperated," her father, Reza Saberi said.

Both Democratic senators from North Dakota, which is where Ms. Saberi's parents live, expressed outrage over the sentencing."This is a shocking miscarriage of justice," Senator Byron Dorgan said."The Iranian government has held a secret trial, will not make public any evidence, and sentenced an American citizen to eight years in prison for a crime she didn't commit."

This is an act to gain leverage in any future negotiations with the U.S. They sense the "Obama weakness," and are going to see what they can get away with. If they truly felt she was a spy, i don't think they would of hesitated with the death sentence.

With that said, i also believe that Iran is doing enormous damage to their credibility on the world stage with behavior like this.

This sentence comes after Washington has made overtures to Iran about starting a dialogue over its nuclear program.The White House said that Iran would gain good will from the United States if it "responded in a positive way" to the case. Tehran's response to the U.S. was that any intervention was "ridiculous and against international laws."

Ms. Saberi,31,was arrested in late January on the much lighter charge of buying alcohol, an illegal act in the Islamic Republic. The Iranian government later said that she was accused of working as a reporter without credentials, but the prosecutor's then said that she was put on trial for spying.Ms.Saberi is being held in the country's notorious Evin prison in Tehran.


Fears that Wednesday's Tea Party protests would fizzle due to nagging suspicion that the 2008 election hangover may remain proved groundless, as more than 700 such gatherings attracted hundreds of thousands of people.

It takes all of about 10 seconds of scanning the thousands of Tea Party photographs and videos posted on the internet to see how utterly disconnected from reality claims are that the Tea Parties were mere staged insidiously choreographed by Rush Limbaugh and other conservative pundits.

The reality is that millions of Americans are DEEPLY worried about the unexpected and unprecedented direction the country is taking under Barack Obama and the Democratic congress led by Senate majority leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Americans thought they were electing a president who would seek "tax cuts" for 95% of all working families and a "net spending reduction" in the federal budget and a congress that got the message on earmarks.

Instead. Obama, Reid and Pelosi have adopted a $3.6 trillion spending plan that includes a $1.1 trillion deficit this year and thousands more earmarks.They are also preparing an energy plan sure to impose severe  new costs on all who pay a monthly utility bill, and they are on their way to the biggest expansion of bureaucracy and regulation since the Great Society.

We conservatives protest because we know these policies mean a future of economic stagnation, shortages, and rationing of essentials like health care, and a crushing public debt that will burden their children and grandchildren.

Obama, in less than 100 days, has become the most divisive president in modern American history.

So, what's next?    In my opinion we can't abandon what enabled this grass-roots phenomenon to grow in just a few weeks. We have to continue the social networking and bottom-up direction that was the root of this movement.Also, continue to protest locally. Today's local tremors eventually becomes an earthquake in Washington. Third, stop worrying about the liberal mainstream media.They can pretend that our movement doesn't matter or exist, but look how far we've come already, without their coverage.

The progress we've made in just a few weeks is astounding and indicative of how truly "dangerous" these liberal policies are.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I want to touch on an older story that pertains to our growing"illegal alien" problem and how liberal ideology  is as much the problem as the aliens are.

You may recall the story of U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and  Jose Compean. Back in February 2006, while patrolling the border near ElPaso,Tx., Ramos shot a fleeing suspect who had bloodied his partner during a struggle. Ramos was responding to a call for backup for a suspicious van that was spotted.Behind the wheel of that van was an illegal alien, Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila of Mexico. What was unknown to the agents was that Aldrete-Davila's van contained 800 pounds of marijuana. Unable to outrun the agents, Aldrete-Davila jumped out of the van and started to run towards the river and back to Mexico. Both agents yelled for him to stop, but he kept running and at some point in the chase Ramos heard gun shots and saw Compean lying on the ground. Soon after, Aldrete-Davila turned and pointed something that looked like gun at Ramos. Ramos then discharged his weapon but the alien didn't appear to be shot as he jumped into an awaiting van and continued his escape. 

The commotion and multiple calls for backup had brought seven other agents,including two supervisors, to the crossing by this time.Compean picked up his shell casings,but Ramos did not.He also did not follow agency procedure and report that he had fired his weapon.

Over two weeks after the incident,Christopher Sanchez, an investigator with the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General received a phone call from a border patrol agent in Wilcox, Az. The agent's mother-in-law had received a call from Aldrete-Davila's mother in Mexico telling her that her son had been wounded in the buttocks in the shooting.Sanchez followed up with a call of his own to the smuggler in Mexico. In a move that still confuses Ramos, Compean and myself, the U.S. government filed charges against them after giving FULL IMMUNITY to Aldrete-Davila and paying for his medical expenses at an ElPaso hospital. 

At trial,Assistant U.S. attorney Debra Kanof told the court that the agents had violated an unarmed  Aldrete-Davila's CIVIL RIGHTS under the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Furthermore, the attorney argued that it was a violation of Border Patrol policy for agents to pursue fleeing suspects and that picking up of shell casings was destroying a crime scene. 

A Texas jury came back with a guilty verdict on charge of discharging a firearm in relation to a crime on violence, and Ramos and Compean received 12 and 11 year sentences respectively. 

This story, which did occur during the Bush administration, along with the recent halt of all deportations and work-site enforcement by the Obama administration, has tied the hands of our Federal agents and soured their opinion and confidence in our own government to fight this major issue we face.

President Bush did commute the sentences of Ramos and Compean prior to his leaving office.But the laws that give these alien criminals RIGHTS that they don't deserve still stand and are definitely in the minds of other agents who will  be apprehensive when confronted with a similar situation.

The USBC rule of not pursuing a fleeing suspect is absolutely ridiculous.Also, i'm not an expert in constitutional interpretation, but i couldn't find a correlation between "shooting a fleeing suspect in the back" and search and seizure which the 4th Amendment primarily protects.

The Federal agents of Border Patrol, ICE, DEA, and ATF put their lives on the line to protect our nation from aliens, drug smugglers, and terrorists. But because of the way our liberal society chooses to view things these men and women are  also fighting a battle within. Liberals today, including our own government, are more concerned about the "backlash" that they will get from far-left groups than about the lives and rights of the men trying to protect us.They fail to realize that this is playing into the hands of the enemy, making their criminal agenda that much easier. 

Wake up liberals, you're the PROBLEM.


Thursday, April 16, 2009


Who's next to get billions in tax dollars? How about the struggling newspaper industry? It sure makes sense to me based on the liberal Obama agenda.

Liberal columnist Rosa Brooks, who has moved from the Los Angeles Times to the Pentagon, called for more "direct government support for public media" and government licensing of the news,which critics say would destroy the independent media and further breech our constitutional right of free speech.

Brooks said,"years of foolish policies have left us with a choice: We can bailout journalism, using TAX DOLLARS and grant licences in ways that encourage robust and independent reporting and commentary, or we can watch as more top journalists are laid off."

She said this would help rescue the industry from a "death spiral" and left the government accountable to the journalists who must keep it honest." I can't imagine anything more dangerous than a society in which the news industry has more or less collapsed."

I actually can't believe an "American" has that view on this. Rosa Brooks' view is not only ultra-liberal but "UN AMERICAN" and against our constitution. As a liberal columnist,and Obama supporter, i can understand why she wouldn't mind having her work controlled by the government. This would be a violation to American traditions. Our founding fathers envisioned rights to freedom of speech........ not freedom of speech provided you have a license from the federal government.

There is no doubt that the newspaper industry is in as bad of shape as the many other industries  the government has helped. But like the airplane industry after 9/11, they will file for bankruptcy and restructure, as many have already. It is likely that the industry will be online based exclusively in the future.

I'm sure glad this is one persons view and not something that has been proposed by the Obama administration, yet.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A chorus of protest is growing over the Homeland Security report warning local police and sheriff departments of 'Right-Wing Extremists.'

Conservative groups are up in arms following the recent report that they say labels them as a threat to the nation.

The government considers you a threat if you oppose abortion,own a gun or are a returning war veteran.That's what House Judiciary Committee ranking member Lamar Smith(R-TX), said Wednesday in a response to the DHS report.

Smith also said that the report amounts to "political profiling" and  that Homeland Security is,"using people's political views to assess an individuals susceptibility to terror recruitment."

The report specifically labeled Conservatives as "Domestic Right-Wing Terrorists." 

It stated that although there is "NO specific information" acts of violence could come from these so-called domestic extremists who are concerned about illegal immigration, abortion, increased federal power, and restrictions on firearms-- and it singles out returning war veterans as susceptible to recruitment.

So let me get this right, PRO-LIFERS, anyone UNEMPLOYED, and thousand of MILITARY VETERANS who have fought  to prevent another 9/11 are DOMESTIC TERRORISTS?

 WOW, if we think this country hasn't changed for the worse, we're crazy.


There will be over 1,000 Tax Day TEA Parties today across the USA in opposition of the Obama administrations radical spending and taxing. Please attend and let your CONSERVATIVE  voice be heard. Click this link for a list of TEA Party locations:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In 1931, Austrian Bank Creditanstalt, owned by Europe's famous  Rothschild banking family,went under,sparking a run on other Austrian financial institutions that soon spread disastrously across the globe.

The ensuing panic decimated bank after bank and is considered the trigger of the Great Depression.

Could history repeat itself, with Austrian banks again triggering a global financial meltdown?

Some financial experts believe that Austria today is indeed again the "cancer" of Europe, the weakest link whose collapse could spur a worsening of today's global financial crisis.

In the 1930's, the turmoil caused by Creditanstalt's collapse was so intense that it lengthened the Great Depression in the United States by at least two years. The name "Creditanstalt" became synonymous among economists for what  we now  call "systemic risk," like the pain that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Today, Austria's banks are in trouble again, and experts fear that their woes could spread throughout  the entire world.Just like in the 30's,Austrian banks suffer now from excessive lending in Eastern Europe. Their loans to that region are estimated at $289 billion- 70% of Austria's total economy(GDP).

The outstanding loans are,like the billions in bad home loans drowning U.S. banks,virtually worthless for the moment. The banks' troubles have forced  the government to provide a $130 billion bailout.  Does that sound familiar? 

 Also, the Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said banks may have to be nationalized, and speculated that the country could possibly go bankrupt.

This is without a doubt a GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS  and it seems that every government, in a panic, feels that throwing good money on top of bad money is the answer. Time will certainly tell, but as Mark Twain once said," History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme."


Global terrorism and Middle Eastern experts believe that within the next five years, the radical regime in Iran will have a missile capable of reaching North America.

They have also said that Iran is definitely seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and will not hesitate to use them if they do. When asked if they believed that Iran's nuclear program is intended for peaceful energy, as they(Iran) claim."Absolutely not," said Walid Phares, one of the experts.

They are moving on two tracks.One track is to acquire nukes, which they are moving slowly on, the other is long-range missile technology which they already have and have admitted. Their missile capabilities reach to the  eastern Mediterranean- that covers all of Israel and the Arabian Peninsula- but also Europe.

This is well-known and factual but Obama still doesn't want a defense shield program, which Bush agreed on, with Poland and the Czech Republic.

When asked about Obama's efforts to reach out to Iran, Phares said," When the Obama administration devises a policy that says we need to reach out to the Iranian regime, without putting pressure on that regime by engaging with the actual opposition, the perception in Tehran is that the Obama administration will not use everything at its disposal to apply that pressure."

He also went on to say that Obama's bow to Saudi King Abdullah last week adds to this message."The image that we saw indicated that there was a political message of, quote unquote, SUBMISSION."

"The President of the United States is the head of the most powerful democracy on the face of the earth.Not only should he not bow to any other President.......but in the Arab world we havn't seen a king or president bow to the king of Saudi Arabia or any other king."

"The U.S. president seen bowing to the king  gives the perception to everyone in the region.........THAT AMERICA IS WEAK."

Where have i hear this before????   check my earlier posts!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


The Obama administration is having much difficulty finding an acceptable ambassador to the Vatican,which has informally vetoed the appointment of Caroline Kennedy and other Roman Catholics who have supported President Obama.

"A trial of strength between Barack Obama and the U.S. church that involves the Holy See is underway," the conservative Milan newspaper IL Giornale said.
"The tenant of the White House is very criticized indeed for his choices in favor of abortion and use of stem-cell embryos."

At least three names, including Caroline Kennedy, have been refused by the Pope.Some say that he has 'burned' even more candidates before they were even proposed, because they are unwelcome by the church.

Either formally or not, its fair to say that these names were at least floated about the Vatican and indication is that the Holy Father would not be interested.

This is exactly what Pope Benedict XVI should and would be expected to do. I love his no nonsense style that upholds the rules of the Catholic church, regardless of what some may think. This Pope will never be as popular as some of his predecessors, but will be remembered for his zero tolerance policy of upholding conservative Roman Catholic values.

I admire Benedict for standing up to Obama, Kennedy, Pelosi and all the other pro-choice idiots out there. He won't have any of their non-sense regardless of political status.


The efforts of dozens of special force Navy SEALs brought a happy ending to the five day hostage standoff off the coast of Somalia.

SEALs, who set up operations on the USS Bainbridge, communicated with the Somali pirates, convinced them to allow them to tow their lifeboat out of rough waters Saturday night, and ultimately saved Captain Richard Phillips' life.

The pirates, who became increasingly agitated Saturday night after one of their fellow pirates who need medical attention from a stabbing wound gave himself up to SEALs,held a AK-47 to the back of Phillips. Fearing for the captains' life, and on order from the White House and their on-scene commander, SEAL snipers positioned on the USS Bainbridge fired only three shot to kill the three pirates instantly.

This won't happen often on this blog, but i have to admit that Obama made the right choice in ordering the SEALs to strike if Phillips' life was in danger. But before we give him(Obama) too much credit, lets hope the captured pirate is tried and prosecuted in US courts and not given a liberal pass, like say, citizenship.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009


The rash of recent shooting incidents has led people who wouldn't know an AK-47 from a squirt gun to issue demands for more restrictions on guns. 

Lets see, hmmm, it's sure hard to find any factors in these shootings that could be responsible--other than the gun, of course.

So far, this year's multiple shootings were committed by:

--Former crack addict Jiverly Wong, 41, who told co-workers "America sucks." Wong blockaded his victims in a civic center in Binghamton, NY, and shot as many people as he could, before killing himself.

--Richard Poplawski,23, product of a broken family,expelled from high school and dishonorably discharged from the Marines, who killed three policemen in Pittsburgh.

--Robert Stewart,45, a three-time divorcee and high school dropout with "violent tendencies"--according to one of his ex-wives--who shot up the nursing home in Carthage,NC, where his newly estranged wife worked.

--Lovell Mixon,26, a paroled felon, struggling to get his life back of track by PIMPING, who shot four cops in Oakland, CA-- before eventually  being shot himself.

--Twenty-eight -year-old MIchael McLendon, child of divorce,living with his mother and boycotting family funerals because he hated his relatives, who killed 10 of those relatives and their neighbors in Samson, AL

It might make more sense to outlaw divorce than guns.Or crack. Or to prohibit felons from having guns. Except we already outlaw crack and felons owning guns and yet they still,somehow, get the crack and guns.

After being pulled over for a routine traffic violation,Lovell Mixon did exactly what they teach in driver's education by immediately shooting four cops. Mixon's SUPPORTERS(believe that) held a rally in his honor, claiming he shot the cops only in "self defense," which i take it includes the cop that Mixon shot while the officer was lying on the ground.

I guess Mixon also raped that 12-year-old girl in "self defense." It's obvious that the pimping industry has lost a good man.

Liberals tolerate rallies on behalf of cop killers,but they prohibit law abiding citizens working at community centers in Binghamton, NY from being armed to defend themselves from disturbed, crack-addicted America-haters like Jiverly Wong. 

The demand for more gun control in response to any crime involving a gun is exactly like Obama's response to North Korea's openly belligerent act of launching a long-range missile this week: Obama leaped into action by calling for worldwide nuclear disarmament. 
Obama explained that "the United States has a moral responsibility" to lead disarmament efforts because America is the "only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon." What a joke!


Great article by Michelle Malkin today, please enjoy.    Happy Easter!

My Good Friday column this week spotlights the religious oppression in Cuba that the Congressional Black Caucus tools of Fidel Castro choose not to see. If ignorance is bliss, the CBC members who went on tour with the tyrant are the most ecstatically happy people on the planet.

Congressional Black Caucus Democrats went to Cuba to see what they wanted to see. Not since New York Times reporter Walter Duranty traipsed around Stalin’s Russia, filing cheery travelogues whitewashing Communist-engineered famine, has America witnessed such disgraceful propaganda tourism.

Led around by the nose by the Castro brothers, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver declared “if there is repression in Cuba we didn’t see it.” Somehow, the gulags and slums got left off the itinerary. Go figure. The CBC members saw, instead, a land of milk and honey. Fresh air and freedom. Shiny, happy people cared for by a kindly, benevolent leader. As Comrade Fidel himself put it in his official statement on the visit: “Persons who move on the streets in an active and almost always happy manner do not match with the stereotyped images that most of the times are portrayed about Cuba abroad.”

Rep. Cleaver swallowed the Kastro Kool-Aid in one big gulp: “We’ve been led to believe that the Cuban people are not free, and they are repressed by a vicious dictator, and I saw nothing to match what we’ve been told.” Cleaver unabashedly basked in the cult of Castro’s personality: “He’s one of the most amazing human beings I’ve ever met.”

Lord, what tools these lawmakers be.

Accompanying Cleaver were radical left-wing House Democrats Barbara Lee, Laura Richardson, Bobby Rush, Marcia Fudge, Mel Watt, and Mike Honda. Rep. Rush was enraptured by the tyrant’s “keen sense of humor, his sense of history and his basic human qualities.” Lee fawned over the Castros like your neighborhood ‘tweens giggle over the Jonas Brothers. The aging dictator Fidel “looked directly into our eyes,” she delighted. Where was he supposed to look? Into their ears? He “was very engaging and very energetic,” she confided.

Yes, ask the dozens of independent journalists and dissidents jailed over the last six years: Fidel’s a veritable fuzzball.

It’s too bad Castro’s American boot-lickers jetted back home (why is it these fervent admirers of the Communist regime always buy themselves return tickets?) before Easter. They might have run in to someone with seeing eyes who could have reminded them of the religious oppression that the kindly Castros oversee. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom reported last year that “[r]eligious belief and practice remain under tight governmental control in Cuba…Both registered and unregistered religious groups continue to suffer official interference, harassment, and repression. Political prisoners and human rights and pro-democracy activists continue to be denied the right to worship.” The panel compiled reports of religious leaders “being attacked, beaten, or detained for opposing government actions.”

The Cuban Communist Party requires religious groups to register to obtain official recognition. They must inform the regime “where they will conduct their activities” and obtain official permission to travel. The distribution of Bibles is controlled by the government. Processions and worship services outside tightly-regulated religious buildings are not allowed without permission of the local ruling official of the Communist Party. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is expressly forbidden from proselytizing. Religious schools are banned.

Two years ago, the U.S. international religious freedom panel reported, a Pentecostal preacher and his family were evicted from their home and their church demolished. A month after that, police raided the Santa Teresita Catholic Church in Santiago de Cuba, beat several persons gathered for Mass who participated in a political protest earlier that day, and detained 18 worshipers.

Every Sunday in Havana, a brave group of jailed dissidents’ wives walk to a government-approved Mass at an old Catholic cathedral to pray for their husbands’ freedom. They are known as the Ladies in White. The group has been harassed and bullied by Castro’s henchmen at Easter time for demanding regime change. Their church is named for Saint Rita, the patroness of lost causes. The hopeless sycophants of the Congressional Black Caucus, willfully blind to Castro’s systemic brutality, could certainly use the saint’s intercession.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Let me be very clear on the economics of President Obama's budget.

He is declaring war on investors,entrepreneurs, small businesses, large corporations, and private-equity and venture-capital funds.That is the real meaning of his anti-growth tax-hike proposals, which make absolutely NO SENSE at all- either for the recession or from the standpoint of expanding our economy's long-run potential to grow.

Raising the marginal tax rate on successful earners, capital, dividends and all the private funds is a function of Obama's left-wing liberal social vision. Ditto for his sweeping government planning and spending program.

This is nearly double the government -spending low point reached during the late 1990's during the Clinton administration.Study after study over the past several decades has shown how countries that spend more produce less, while nations that tax less produce more. 'The Savior' is doing it wrong on both counts.

As far as middle-class tax cuts are concerned, Obama's cap-and-trade program will be a huge across-the-board tax increase on BLUE COLLAR workers, including unionized workers. Industrial production is plunging , but new taxes will prevent production from ever recovering.

The bottom line is that these tax hikes will generate lower growth and fewer revenues. Sure, the economy will eventually recover. But  the combination of easy money from the Fed and below-potential economic growth is a prescription for INFLATION.

Obama supporters, especially hedge-fund types who voted for "CHANGE", are becoming disillusioned with the performances of 'The Messiah' and Treasury man Geithner. There is a growing sense of Buyer's remorse on Wall Street.

Well then, do conservatives dare say: We told you so?


President Obama has admitted our liabilities and faults to the world, asked for forgiveness and subsequently promised sunshine and rainbows from now on.

This past week, in my opinion, has been a total embarrassment to our nation. In different speeches, from Mexico to Turkey, Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed continual weakness to the world.

-Hillary Clinton, instead of talking about what can be mutually done to end the Mexican drug war, said that it is America's demand for illegal narcotics, and inability to curtail guns from being exported across the border that fuels the drug trade. As true as this may be in many ways, Mexico is far from faultless in this crisis. Regardless, you just don't admit this on a world stage.

-Obama, when asked about the imminent North Korean missile launch, said that if North Korea went ahead with the launch it would be met with a "STERN" response. Were still waiting for that response, and so is a laughing Kim Jong-Il.

-In a speech in France Obama admitted to the crowd that,"instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges there have been times where America has shown ARROGANCE, been DISMISSIVE, even DERISIVE towards its allies." He went further to say that,"the U.S. has failed to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world." WOW, could he throw us under the bus anymore?

-Finally, he told the Turkish parliament that the United States,"never has or never will be at war with Islam." Who said we were? Were at war with Islamic radical extremists, i guess there's a difference. Then he went on to "kiss ass" by saying, " we will convey our deepest appreciation for the Islamic faith which has done so much over the centuries to SHAPE THE WORLD- INCLUDING MY OWN COUNTRY." "THE U.S. HAS BEEN ENRICHED BY MUSLIM AMERICANS."

I challenge anyone to show me what Islam has done to shape the world, let alone the United States, in a positive way.

My friends,i'm afraid  he is who we thought he was.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Rep. Barney Frank(D-Mass.) says that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a "homophobe" who "makes it very clear that he's angry, frankly, about the existence of gay people."

Frank points to Scalia's dissenting opinion in Lawrence vs. Texas- a case that struck down a statute criminalizing homosexual sodomy- and accuses the justice of thinking that "it's a good idea for two consenting adults who happen to be gay to be locked up because he is so disapproving of gay people."

The the fact is that Scalia has written no such thing. Either Frank is an incompetent reader or he is deliberately trying to mislead people into believing that justices vote for results in cases the way legislators vote a bill up or down. Or maybe both considering it is "Barney" we're speaking of.

Now, it is true that Scalia didn't expand his opinion with a statement of sympathy for gay men he would of let the state imprison.But his sharp words were not aimed at those men.Make no mistake: Scalia's words were aimed at his colleagues on the Supreme Court.He mocked them for adopting the "law profession's anti-anti homosexual culture."They've "taken sides in the culture war,"Scalia said, instead of dutifully accepting the criminal statute that emerged from the democratic process in the state of Texas."Let me be clear that i have nothing against homosexuals, or any other group,promoting their agenda through normal democratic means," he wrote.

It is common for justices to soften the blow of a harsh decision by letting us know that they don't like the particular law that they are forced to uphold.Scalia is correctly resisting telling us his personal views because they are irrelevant to the work of a judge, and he's modeling upstanding judicial behavior,saying what the law is and nothing more.

You may think it's cruel of Scalia to deprive us of soothing words, but don't be fooled about why he writes like that.Scalia is adhering to the most basic legal practice that judges must decide cases according to the law and leave the rest to the process of democracy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The best thing to happen to Hillary Clinton is a economic crisis.The catastrophe has pushed foreign policy headlines off page one and shadowed her many gaffes since becoming secretary of state-from mispronouncing the names of dignitaries to admitting America's faults to other nations.

Last week Clinton was in not so rare form by telling Mexico that it's America's fault for the escalating troubles in their country because of our "demand for illegal narcotics and the U.S. arms export market."

"Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade.Our inability to prevent weapons from being smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes death to police officers,soldiers and civilians."

Does she think that apologizing on foreign soil will alleviate the violence of the powerful Mexican drug cartels? Once again, and i know i've been repetitive in many posts,  the Obama-Clinton team is showing weakness.Clinton's job is to protect the United States' interests abroad, not to concede our liabilities. Itemizing the wrongs of the nation isn't wise.

Imagine Hillary as your attorney, "Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client is at fault."

Further, has Hillary opened up a huge problem for her boss,Obama(who has used cocaine) and her brother-in-law, Roger Clinton? Should Obama now apologize for fueling the drug trade? Is he responsible? And if not, then who is?

What happened to the tough talking Hillary from the campaign? Now it seems that all that's important to Clinton and Obama is political correctness(Overseas Contingency Operation) and winning the global popularity contest.


WE TOLD YOU SO!!!  The liberal Obama administration is living up to the well documented ways  that liberal Democrats are known for. Higher taxes and defense cuts are traditional priorities and today they proposed the latter. 

Defense Secretary Robert Gates' call to cut back on missile defense programs is running into resistance from lawmakers and others who say the U.S. will be left vulnerable in the face of North Korea and Iran's advancing efforts to develop long-range rockets.

Gates called for $1.4 billion in cuts to missile defense as part of a budget plan he says will "reshape the priorities" of the Pentagon and "re balance this department's programs in order to institutionalize and finance our capabilities to fight the wars we are in today and the scenarios we are most likely to face in the years ahead."

We have never had more enemies at one time then we currently do, and they want to make cuts in defense. This is so serious and potentially dangerous that it's very concerning to me and should be to all Americans.

Among the proposed cuts would come the end of the "multiple kill vehicle" program-- a hovering machine meant to shoot down enemy missiles, even from space.Gates said he also would cancel plans to increase the number of ground-based interceptors in Alaska, a move opposed by Alaska's top officials. "I can't emphasize enough how important it is that we continue to develop and perfect the global missile defense network.Alaska's strategic location and the system in place here have proven invaluable in defending the nation," Gov. Sarah Palin said in a statement, adding that North Korea's rocket program could threaten Alaska.

The threat from ballistic missiles is on the rise from more nations then ever before, and any type of cuts in these  defense programs would leave us less capable of responding.North Korea and Iran might operate immature missile systems now, but they will continue to develop them while the U.S. loses ground under Gates' cuts.

Furthermore, Obama's calls for a nuclear-free world,in my opinion, is unrealistic. Countries like North Korea,Iran and Pakistan are not going to give up their nukes, so we have to be prepared for the worst. The answer is not disarmament. I can see the rest of the world laughing.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Cuban president Raul Castro met Monday with six members of the Congressional Black Caucus,his first face-to-face discussions with the U.S. since he became Cuba's president last year.

Cuban State television provided no details of what was discussed or how long the meeting lasted.It added that the group also spoke in recent days with the head of parliament and the country's foreign minister.

The U.S. lawmakers came to talk about improving U.S.-Cuba relations amid speculation that Washington is ready to loosen some facets of its 49-year trade embargo against the communist nation.

I have very mixed feelings about this situation. The idea of improving relations with a long time enemy in an era when we have way too many enemies is encouraging. But, to lift the embargo and travel restrictions to Cuba, without  significant concessions in policy from Castro, would only benefit Cuba. 

Of course Obama has decided he will, at the very least,  lift the travel ban for Cuban-Americans to come and go as they please, and to send unlimited money to their native home. Once again, looking out for the immigrants is a priority. I noticed there is no issue with the agreement we have with Cuba, since 1994, to allow 20,000 Cuban immigrants into the country legally every year. Unbelievable!!!

Our aggressive efforts to launch a new era in relations with Cuba was first attempted by the Bush administration. In December 2006, a 10-member bipartisan congressional delegation traveled to Havana but was denied a meeting with Castro. 

Obama, who has vowed to "negotiate" with rogue dictators, is trying his best to "play nice" with our many enemies. As i've said over and over, it shows WEAKNESS. And in this particular case with Cuba, it's not hard to see that the lifting of the trade embargo and travel restrictions hugely benefits the Castro's more than it does the U.S.

As much as i wouldn't mind smoking a "REAL" Cuban cigar, these improved relations would just fund their communist military with millions of U.S. dollars through tourism and trade.

Lets also not forget that Cuba is "best friends" with our "NEW ERA" enemy Hugo Chavez and Venezuela.

This meeting came coincidentally as 82-year old Fidel Castro said,"Cuba is not afraid of dialogue with the United States, and does not thrive on confrontation as its detractors have long claimed." Of course it(Cuba) doesn't when they're looking for a flow of American money.

As i said, i don't think this is a change in Cuban ideology at all. They have no intentions of bringing about a democratic society to the island nation. 

It was  no coincidence they didn't want to talk with the Bush delegation, they simply see the WEAKNESS that the Obama administration oozes.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Archbishop of Chicago Cardinal Francis George reiterated his criticism of Notre Dame's commencement address invitation to President Obama.

George again said that Obama's planned speech caused,"extreme embarrassment" for Catholics and that Notre Dame,The country's flagship catholic university,"didn't understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation."

"The bishops don't control the University of Notre Dame...but what one Catholic does affects all of us," George said. 
The Cardinal has made it clear that although he agrees with Obama on certain issues, his(Obama) position on abortion and embryonic stem-cell research remain fault lines, saying"It's a crime and a sin  to kill a human being."

Although many Catholic officials have joined the Cardinal in his opposition of the invitation, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and his brother Bill Daley,life-long Chicago Catholics, have not agreed. In a typical head scratching quote to keep Obama in his "back pocket" Mayor Daley said,"There is always controversy when any President speaks,but you live through the controversy." Typical idiotic  Daley comment that made no mention of the actual issue, but again showed that having a Chicago connection in Washington is far more important than moral beliefs.

Bill Daley,a co-chairman of Obama's campaign, took issue with Cardinal George's reasoning," I believe Cardinal George's stand is an embarrassment to Chicago Catholics and furthers the divide among the church, its members and the rest of America."

The Daley's, in typical Daley fashion, are playing the liberal humane card  in a feeble  attempt to cover their political best interests, even  at the expense of their "lifelong Catholic beliefs."

Saturday, April 4, 2009


The March unemployment news is shocking-just as its been every month for the last year.

The official unemployment rate jumped from 8.1% to 8.5%!

-663,000 U.S. jobs were eliminated in March 

-There are now 13.2 million Americans looking for a job who can't even find  part-time work.

-Yet, many of the nation's richest foundations, most prestigious newspapers and top elected officials CONTINUE TO CALL FOR AN INCREASE IN FOREIGN WORKERS.

Based on the most recent government data, the Feds have given out 138,000 permanent work permits(green cards for immigrants) and temporary work permits to foreigners during March. 
That makes around 400,000 foreign workers during this new year of the Obama administration and new Congress.

You would think we had a job surplus and a worker shortage in this country with the way the Feds behave.

No surprise here, just a continuation of the radical liberal practices that this administration believes in.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Yes, people wanted change,and we have new elected officials, and we have new agendas, and we have a new direction.But we also have new government takeovers, we have new government CONTROLS, and we have new government out of control spending.So were on our way to SOCIALISM, and our freedoms, as we know them, are headed down the toilet.

I guess that people(LIBERALS) wanted this change so that they wouldn't have to take control of their own lives.The government can be their supporter and provider. And now the government has taken over General Motors, and we can call it,"Government Motors."

Their new advertising slogan is, "Total Confidence," how inappropriate.

-5 year/100,000 mile warranty

-Will pay $500 for 9 months on car payment in cases of lost employment

-Vehicle value protection(they will PROTECT the value of your vehicle) too funny!

-and of course the "Government" will now honor all existing and new warranties.

These are unheard of, ridiculous,  promises that a virtually bankrupt industry can't honor with out more taxpayer money. I think every American with a valid drivers license should get a new car since all our tax money to this point has been wasted trying to keep them afloat.

Oh, and i'm really curious, after all these years of fast depreciating cars, how they are going to magically PROTECT our cars value. LOL

I will admit that in some cases the nationalization of our companies(Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac)was warranted and necessary. But, the continuous injection of billions of taxpayer money in every industry is a sign that this administration is feeding off of the CONTROL. With bailouts and takeovers comes CONTROL and our new liberal White House are "control freaks."

Liberals, as Rush Limbaugh has always said," are about CONTROL, not generating revenue," and the state of our nations economy is falling right into their hands.

We now control 80% of AIG,  we have taken over the  auto industry, and have billions invested in numerous banks. What's next?  After 9/11, the Bush administration allowed the airline industry to go bankrupt and restructure. Was it the worst thing that ever happened? I think not.

But don't worry 'The Messiah' has promised to fix your fuel pumps and fan belts, just pull in to your local "Government Motors" dealer.

Welcome to America, TERRORISTS; here's your welfare

UPDATE: Gitmo detainees post from March.11,2009.

Obama's intelligence chief,Dennis Blair, confirmed on Thursday that not only will some Gitmo inmates most likely be released on U.S. soil, but they will also be given WELFARE assistance. 

"They have to be given something to start a new way of life," "You can't just put them on the street," Blair said. 

Oh no, absolutely not, put them on the street with a pocket full of money, that makes much more sense.

He also said that they are still evaluating what to do with these prisoners, but said that they are hesitant to send them to other countries for FEAR that they wouldn't be treated in a humane fashion.

This is unbelievable, i can't believe our government is saying this. I guess, while they were training in terror camps, their intentions were to treat Americans in a HUMANE FASHION. I guess the roughly 3,000 victims of 9/11 were treated in a HUMANE FASHION.

Twenty Gitmo detainees have been cleared of terrorism charges, including 17 Chinese Uighurs, who we won't release to China for fear that they may face persecution.  GOD FORBID!!!

These people weren't locked up accidentally. These individuals are all affiliated with or members of a terror organization, received training at a camp in the Al-Qaeda/Taliban stronghold of Tora Bora, and have admitted that they were trained by known terrorists. And on top of that, the group that trained them threatened to attack the Olympic Games in Beijing last year.

Yes, my friends, you have read this post right.....our tax dollars will be spent  to welcome known terrorists to our own neighborhoods and communities.


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